Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation14) pre-submission consultation

The 6 week consultation period for “Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan (pre-submission)” closed on 1st March 2020. The documents used for the Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation are shown below. The steering group wishes to thank everyone who made comments on the plan.
The text below shows the information presented at the time of the consultation.

It is now time to view the draft plan and provide feedback. All the documents you need to look at are listed below, and your comments can be provided here (link is no longer active). Alternatively, paper forms and printed copies of maps and some documents are available at Battle Library, Netherfield Village Shop, Black Horse Public House, Battle Memorial Hall and The Almonry.

Please note that while we encourage you to use these response forms to provide us with feedback, we welcome feedback/comments in any written format.  Should you prefer to comment via letter then please post or drop this to Battle Town Council, The Almonry, High Street, Battle, TN33 0EQ,  or email us at

Closing date for your comments is 5pm 1st March 2020.

The plan is currently at a draft stage to allow you to see what we have written, and for you to make your comments. All the comments received will be carefully analysed and, if necessary, the draft plan will be revised. Our revised draft plan will then be submitted to Rother District Council (RDC), who may ask for further changes to be made and will run their own public consultation, where there will be another opportunity to share your views.
The revised plan, subject to RDC’s approval, will be submitted to an independent Planning Inspector, who may ask for further changes. The final revised plan will then be offered for a public referendum. Only residents of the Battle Civil Parish (including Netherfield and Telham) who are on the Electoral Roll will be invited to vote on the Neighbourhood Plan.

The total number of new dwellings is imposed on us, as a result of national government policy – we have no choice to propose lesser numbers, or to change the allocation between Netherfield and Battle/Telham.

Please click below to view the documents

 ⇓ Draft Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14) (A full list of archives can be found under the Archive tab above)
 ⇓ Strategic Environmental Assessment
 ⇓ Preferred Site List
 ⇓ Preferred Site Maps
 ⇓ Preferred Site – Extracts from RDC SHLAA June 2013
 ⇓ Final Site Selection Presentation
 ⇓ Local Green Spaces Analysis
 ⇓ Green Gap / Strategic Gap Analysis
 ⇓ AECOM Site Assessments
 ⇓ AECOM Design Guidelines  (also known as “Battle Civil Parish Design Guidelines”)
 ⇓ Proposed Assets of Community Value
 ⇓ Action in Rural Sussex 2016 Parish Survey (AirS)
 ⇓ Feedback from 2017 consultation “Have your say”
 ⇓ Display boards at 2019 consultation
 ⇓ Feedback from 2019 consultation
 ⇓ Feedback from Young Person Survey 2019
 ⇓ Battle CP Local Heritage List (non-dwellings)
 ⇓ Historic England – Listed Buildings
 ⇓ Heritage Trails
 ⇓ Community Infrastructure Levy regulations (UK)
 ⇓ Community Infrastructure Levy regulations (Rother)
 ⇓ The Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012
 ⇓ Battle Observer regular monthly articles

Further supporting documents can be found below

Additional notes
The plan is much more than just a “dwellings numbers” calculation… it also identifies important Local Green Spaces and Green Gaps that will help them to be protected from development to enhance our overall community feel and identity.
Furthermore, with an approved plan, Battle Town Council will receive a boost from 15% to 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy payments made by developers to RDC. This money must be used to improve infrastructure which many residents have already identified as being necessary and important for the future of the community.

Without a plan, this additional 10% will be lost for directly funding improved infrastructure within the Battle Civil Parish.

The Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan (for Netherfield, Telham and Battle) will provide a means of guiding, promoting and enabling balanced and sustainable change and growth within the Parish. Battle Town Council invites comments on the draft plan. This is your opportunity to share your views. All responses received will be reviewed by the Steering Group and the Town Council to create a revised version of the plan.

The draft plan is available to view and comment on, from 20th January to 1st March 2020. Printed copies of the documents and maps can also be found at Battle Library, Netherfield Village Shop, Blackhorse Public House, Battle Memorial Hall, and The Almonry.

This is your chance to have your say and we welcome your feedback. Your comments can be provided here or be hand written on forms which will be available at the above locations.
Please note that while we encourage you to use these response forms to provide us with feedback, we welcome feedback/comments in any written format.  Should you prefer to comment via letter then please post or drop this to Battle Town Council, The Almonry, High Street, Battle, TN33 0EQ,  or email us at
Closing date for comments is 5pm 1st March 2020.