The Referendum took place on 16th September. Everyone who appeared on the local government electoral register in the referendum area could vote. The question posed at the referendum by Rother District Council was: “Do you want Rother District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Battle to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood …
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Author:Dale Wheeler
Voting cards issued
Rother District Council have now issued voting cards to all eligible voters in the Civil Parish, for both in-person and postal voting.
Information Statement published
Rother District Council published the Information Statement on 6th August 2021. The document provides information on who can vote, what is being voted on and where supporting information can be located.
Referendum date announced
The recent Independent Examination of the Battle CP Neighbourhood Plan resulted in some recommended modifications. Those modifications have been accepted by both Rother District Council (RDC) and Battle Town Council, and as a result of this RDC have made the decision to take the Plan to Referendum. Further details can be found here. The Referendum …
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Plan sent for examination
The “Regulation 16” public consultation carried out by Rother District Council (RDC) on the Battle CP Neighbourhood Plan [submission version] came to a close on 29th January 2021.Representations received by RDC during the consultation along with the Battle CP Neighbourhood Plan and it’s supporting documents have now been sent by RDC to an indpendent examiner. …
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Plan accepted by RDC at Reg16
With a few suggested minor amendments, Rother District Council (RDC) accepted our Regulation 15 Submission Plan at their Cabinet meeting on 11th January. The comments made by RDC will go forward along with other comments made during the Regulation 16 consultation to the Independant Examiner
Neighbourhood Plan sent to Rother
At the Full Council meeting of 17th November 2020, Battle Town Council adopted the Regulation 15 submission Plan and it was sent on the 19th November to Rother District Council.They have now issued the Plan for a public consultation of 8 weeks, up to 29th January 2021. (see poster below)
Plan adopted by Battle Town Council
The Regulation 15 submission of the Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by Battle Town Council on 17th November 2020 and has now been forwarded to Rother District Council to enable them to commence their eight week public consultation
Work continues on the draft Plan
The steering group has worked throughout the summer, carefully analysing feedback received collected during the six-week “Regulation 14” public consultation earlier this year. The workload has been immense, well over 1000 man-hours at the time of writing, but the feedback has allowed us to adjust the Plan and to have a greater confidence in it. …
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“Regulation 14” consultation now closed
The six-week public consultation on the Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan came to a close on 1st March 2020. Here are the documents used during the consultation. The steering group wishes to thank everyone who made comments on the plan. Our task now is to analyse the comments and to produce a draft Plan which can …
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